Rudolph "Rudy" Bostic
We Say Goodbye to Folk Art Legend, Rudolph Valentino Bostic
August 4, 1941 – June 4, 2021
As many of you have heard, we lost another cherished artist this summer-Rudolph Valentino Bostic. I received an announcement from his sister, Carolyn Allen:
"On June 4 the world lost a gentle giant, the talented, world renowned Rudolph Valentino Bostic. Mr. Bostic set the world on fire with his vibrant, religious art works. He will be sorely missed."
Thank you for loving him & his art I met Rudy in the late 1990s while visiting family in Savannah. I remember climbing spiral stairs to his fourth floor studio off of Bull Street. Stacks and stacks of jewel tone paintings leaned against the walls.
Working the night shift at a bakery he found his medium of choice. He cut up card board boxes that were used to ship flour and sugar. Preferring enamel paint, his subject matter was the Bible.
His paintings illustrate biblical themes from Genesis to Revelations-Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah’s Ark, Moses and the Burning Bush and a personal favorite, the Raising of Lazarus.
His work is included in the Smithsonian Anacostia Museum - Washington D.C., the High Museum - Atlanta, the Hurn Museum - Savannah, GA., the Mennello Museum of Folk Art-Orlando and a multitude of private collections around the world.