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Tres and Lillis Taylor Arrive to the Gallery!

Something special will be happening here in the week leading up to the opening reception for enCHANTment on January 25. The sounds of construction will ring out as Tres Taylor and his helpers build a 16 square foot chapel inside the central gallery!

Once the walls are up, the chapel will be covered with paintings of golden monks and illuminated from the inside out. Visitors will be able to sit inside on a pew and contemplate their wishes and desires for the world in the new year and leave a written message for display.

On Saturday, Jan. 26 from 12:00 - 2:00pm we are inviting the public to attend a "Come Together." Help us create a stained glass window of painted rice paper that will remain in the front window through the course of the show. You can drop in any time and add to our community art project.

During the day, Lillis will be revving up her sewing machine to do some hands on demonstrations with her textile designs inspired by her father's artwork.

We are looking forward to an enriching, inspiring weekend event!

Friday, January 25 Sanford Art Walk and Opening Reception for enCHANTment, 6 -9pm

Saturday, January 26 "A Come Together" community art project, 12:00 - 2:00pm

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